It was the last week of college for the year, and almost every frat house on campus was throwing a party. Hailey Rivers wasn’t a member of any of the frats, but for this one occasion, the twenty-year-old sophomore had decided to ‘live a little,’ mostly at the suggestion of her friends. Anna, Jennifer, and Tiffany had come to her room to make sure she actually went, and were now ‘escorting’ her across the school grounds. As they approached one of the frat houses, Hailey looked up at the letters across the door. She had never studied what the letters meant, or how they were pronounced, so she honestly had no idea of where she was exactly going to be. She trusted her friends, though.
They were greeted at the door by one of the pledges for next year. He droned briefly about welcoming them to ‘Phi Beta Kappa,’ then told them that while the party was throughout the building, the upstairs had drinking games and the basement had the non-alcohol games. The girls looked at Hailey for a minute before she realized that they were wanting to know where she wanted to go. She sputtered for a second. “I could use a drink, I guess.” They all agreed, and headed into the kitchen to grab a few cups of beer.
The quartet of ladies mingled for a little while, sharing bits of gossip about the various topics. They got hit on a few times and Jennifer even went off on her own to make out with a guy. A few minutes later, Hailey saw her heading upstairs with the guy, presumably for the bedrooms or for the drinking games. Anna and Tiffany talked to a few people, and eventually, a guy joined the trio, introducing himself as Todd. Todd was one of the Phi Beta Kappa brothers, and a friend of Anna’s. As they spent a bit of time talking, Todd learned that this was Hailey’s first ‘real’ college party.
Over the course of about an hour, Hailey and Todd spoke quite a bit, and she learned that he was an engineering major at the college, and was being considered for a job at NASA when he graduated in just a week’s time. “Oh, yeah. I’ve already designed a few components for the international space station, and a robotic arm I designed is going up on the next rocket in about a month. NASA is excited about it, as am I.” Hailey mentioned that that was really cool, and that she was a little bit jealous.
Looking at his watch, Todd apologized. “Sorry, ladies, but I’m going to head downstairs and head up a new game we created.” He turned to leave, but Hailey stopped him. “What game is it?” Todd stopped and turned, looking back at her with a smile. “It’s called, ‘Risk It All or Take a Fall.’ The crowd chooses a person to play, and it’s the player versus the leader in a sexually-based game. Come on, I’ll tell you about it while we walk.”
So the trio headed for the stairs, and Todd continued. “If the leader wins, then the crowd determines a punishment for the player, but if the player wins, then they take the leader’s place and continue the game, as well as obtaining immunity for the next session of the game in which they become the player again.” They emerged into the basement, and a crowd of perhaps three dozen people cheered for Todd, who raised his hands in a mock victory stance. Anna, Tiffany, and Hailey slipped into the crowd and began to talk amongst themselves.
“What do you think the game is?” Tiffany asked. Anna shrugged, but Hailey was looking on in curiosity as Todd took center stage, right beside a strange ‘table’ that she had never seen before. The surface was thin, perhaps twelve inches across, and padded well. Jutting from the center, though, were four other extensions, presumably for a person’s arms and legs, and at each end was a solid-looking Velcro strap to secure the limb in place. She was shaken from her scrutiny by Todd’s voice booming through the air.
“It’s GAME NIGHT, ladies and gentlemen!” The crowd roared for a minute, then let him continue on. “Risk It All or Take a Fall! Who’s going to be our first contestant?” A scattering of hands went up, and Todd called on the crowd. “Who do you want to see do it first? A guy, or a girl?” The room buzzed with the responses, which were very close, but the ‘Guy!’ yellers were just a tad bit louder. True to the crowd’s demand, Todd picked a guy from the group and brought him to the table. “Now, Isaac, you know the rules, right? You guess correctly, you get a point. You guess wrong, and I get a point.” He handed the man a pair of dice. “Roll ‘em, Isaac.” The man tossed the dice into a large clear plastic container, then he and Todd looked in to read the cubes. They both laughed, and Todd gestured toward the table. “The dice read four, for those who cannot see them. Strip down, Isaac.”
The tanned boy complied and shed his clothing. More than a few girls whistled and whooped, while even a guy or two did the same. Hailey, for her part, simply stared at his package. Two girls moved in and helped Isaac onto the table, securing his wrists and ankles in the Velcro straps. “Can you get free, Isaac?” As the restraints shook and clinked in protest of the treatment, Todd laughed and spoke aloud to the room. “Looks like he can’t, folks. Now, I need four volunteers, two gentlemen and two ladies.” He looked back at the tied-down man with a grin. “Men don’t bother you, do they?”
Isaac shook his head and laughed. “A blowjob is a blowjob, my man. Doesn’t matter who gives it.” “That’s the spirit!” Todd cheerily replied before picking out two people of each gender. “Ladies, the blindfold, if you please. The taller of the two girls knelt down and wrapped a piece of cloth around Isaac’s head, completely obscuring his vision as she gave the knot a tight yank on the bottom, eliciting a grunt from him in the process. “All done, can’t see anything?” Todd queried the man, testing it with a middle finger near his face. When he didn’t say anything about it, Todd turned around and nodded to the four people near the foot of the table. The two girls who had helped secure him clicked a lever and tilted the table up so that Isaac was almost vertical.
“Alright, here’s your first test, Isaac. Give the person a little bit of time, and you tell me if it’s one of the guys, or one of the girls.” One of the two men stepped up and knelt down, then leaned forward to take the shaft into his mouth. The crowd was so silent that Hailey heard the soft sucking sound as the guy got started. Isaac’s mouth opened for a second in a soft moan, and Hailey watched as the shaft throbbed to life in the guy’s mouth. A moment later, Todd clicked off the stopwatch in his hand and spoke up.
“Two minutes, Isaac. Tell me, is that a guy or a girl between your legs?” The crowd shouted both answers out to confuse him, but Isaac had a grin on his lips. “I’ve never met a girl who could do that, so only a guy could know how to touch another in that good of a manner. It’s a dude, Todd.” The crowd cheered and Todd ticked off a point for Isaac on a little whiteboard. “Excellent, now for the next attempt!”
And so it went, and Isaac got each guess correct after the two minute test, sweeping the round and claiming victory, much to the crowd’s delight. But he hadn’t cum yet, and as Todd pulled the blindfold from his eyes, he made another query. “Now that you have won, my last decree as Game Master is to make sure you get off. So, which of the four gave you the best head?” Isaac didn’t even need time to think about it. “Sucker number three, the second guy. Hands down the best blowjob I’ve ever had. Bring him back up here.” Todd gestured for number three to return, and handed him a red Solo cup. “Here you go, you know what to do.”
The guy got to work quickly, taking Isaac’s shaft into his mouth and apparently giving him the blowjob of a lifetime. In seconds, Isaac was moaning, and in less than a minute, he was giving the warning. “I-I’m there,” he gasped out. Number three gave him a couple more sucks, then pulled his lips off and pointed the victor’s cock into the cup. Even over the minor conversations in the crowd, Hailey heard the first spurt of cum strike the cup before pooling in the bottom. She squirmed a little, starting to get just a bit heated.
The girls released Isaac a moment later, and after giving him a plush robe, he took over. Hailey watched, captivated, as two more guys and a girl took their turns on the table while Anna and Tiffany provided commentary and giggling. One guy rolled a two and got both guess right, and then the girl claimed victory through six people that tried to fool her. Each boy involved in the game ended up spraying their cum into the Solo cup when they were done. The last guy, though, couldn’t guess right and ended up losing.
“Oh, dear, it seems we have our first loser of the night!” The girl announced, and Hailey remembered her being introduced as Mary. Mary turned around a few times, pulling off the blindfold from the bound man on the table. “Well, now, here is where the risk of our game comes back to bite you in the ass. Literally!” The two female assistants pressed the lever again, and turned the table flat once more. The man strapped down struggled valiantly, but the Velcro held. The crowd began to chant dividedly, some calling out, ‘Cup, cup, cup!’ while others came back with ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’
“Well, Ben, you rolled a five, and as the crowd cannot decide, you have a choice. You can either take the Solo cup, or you can get fucked by half of your roll, rounding up. So in this case, three guys would be able to take you until each of them cums. Either way, it’s a hell of a risk to come back on! Take a minute to consider it.” Ben, for his part, laid there in silence for a moment while he stared at the ceiling, probably damning everything he could think of for playing the game. He finally spoke up. “I’ll take the three.” The crowd roared, happy to see an actual fucking for the night.
Mary grinned and nodded to the girls, who pressed different buttons and lifted the leg-platforms up and away to give plenty of room for the sex. A bottle of lube was passed down, and after a generous portion was given to Ben’s backside, number one stepped up and took his place.
Hailey was unable to look away as each of the three guys took turns with Ben. The Solo cup was kept near the loser, and when it looked like he was about to cum, one of the two girls moved up and made sure that his cum fired into the cup directly. Hailey got a brief glance at the cup and saw that it was about a quarter of the way full by then, and Ben came twice more while getting his loser’s punishment. When they finally let Ben come off of the table, he seemed spent, and Hailey understood why.
The crowd roared again as Mary started talking, and when she asked, “So who wants to go next?” Hailey found her arm raised with the others. Tiffany and Anna widened their eyes and tried to talk her out of it, but Hailey was determined. “I can do that, and even if I lose, it won’t be that bad!” As her two friends tried talking over each other to tell her how bad of an idea it was, Mary took Hailey by the hand and pulled her from the crowd and toward the table.