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Hedonasia Ep 4

2022-09-01 00:00:04

EPISODE 4 - The Slave

The waves beat furiously against the cliffs on that stormy night muted by the sound of rolling thunder. The wind was strong and there wasn't a soul in sight for miles. Except one. She had walked all the way from her village, almost in a daze, like she was being pulled towards the sea. Her fiery red hair fluttered in the stormy winds and obscured her vision, but she pushed on without a care. She hadn't even any shoes on, nor anything to save her from the stinging rain. Her feet dug against the mud, pressing into them with each step as she kept going on and on, all the way until she was at the edge, below her the 200 foot drop that ended in rocks and those angry waves. Her nightgown was soaking wet, her erect nipples showed against the translucent cloth, her ivory white skin was stuck to it. She felt the wet dress weigh her skinny body down, and so she slowly slipped it off. It flew away in the wind and she felt her body shiver and her teeth clatter, but her face showed no emotion. Finally, she let herself go, and slip off the edge, and as she fell, for a brief moment she felt relief before it all went dark.

"Wake up kitten! You have a visitor!" Suzi's voice yelled cheerfully, accompanied by loud bangs, from the other side of the cell door.

She woke up with a startled voice and quickly rolled over on her back and spread her legs apart and raised her hands up clasped together. The purple ogre she had come to call "Barney" over the last god knows how long entered, stroking his massive cock. He walked to her and stood by her face, cock intently pointed towards her. She gave a puzzled look but before his patience was tested figured out what he wanted. This was new, she thought. She quickly pulled herself up to her knees and traced her nimble pink fingers along the length of his shaft. Looking up at him seductively, she bit her lip and asked, "Is this what you want Barney dear?"

The ogre grunted and ran his fingers through her autumn red hair until he had secured the back of her tiny head in his palm. With little encouragement, she started playing her tongue on his tip, her small mouth sucking on it slowly. His sweet scent made the nipples on her tiny, almost nonexistent bumps get hard, and she increased the fervor with which she was suckling his purple staff, or at least the tip of it for now.

Both her hands stroked the length of his dick, and she moaned with pleasure as the sweet taste of his precum slathered her tongue. The ogre felt himself stiffen to the extreme, and tried to push as much of himself as he could in her mouth. She recoiled and gasped for air a couple of times, coughing a bit, getting teary eyes and slobbering all over her chin and down her neck, but she would simply lick his length or suckle on his balls, and then always went back in for more. He was enjoying this servitude more than usual today, she thought. There was almost something giddy about it, different from the fearful and depraved excitement of regular.

When the ogre had had enough foreplay, he picked her up and threw her onto the floor. It was a pretty hard hit and she had the wind knocked out of her for a second. Before she could fully recover though, the ogre was on top of her, two of his arms pinning her and the other two on her tiny throat. He squeezed a little, and dick resting on her little belly, he waited expectantly. Once she had a hold of herself, she looked into his eyes and threw was a moment of silence, a quiet understanding. She smiled through her discomfort and slowly parted her legs. The ogre smiled and felt his way through her overgrown bush and onto her opening. Almost like her hole recognized that giant purple shaft, it opened up with ease as he slid himself effortlessly into her, almost to the balls. It seemed like a reverse rabbit out of a hat, how such a giant dick simply disappeared into a tiny thing.

Instinctively enraged by that sensation, he slapped her and started pumping her as hard as he could, feeling each time his tip touched her innermost sanctum. There was something incredibly satisfying about being inside her body, an almost giddy pleasure, knowing you owned this person, knowing they were yours do with as you wish, writing the story of your relationship by your and only your hand, or in this case, by your giant insatiable purple penis. Her tongue was out, eyes rolled back and she gasped for breath as his grip tightened around her neck, and he let go just before she passed out, so she could experience the thumping wave of orgasm in her oxygen deprived state. It was pain and pleasure taken to the edge. Her body had never felt something like this before, she wasn't aware it was capable of feeling something like this. Later, when she was covered in the bucketful of cum that had come out of him, sweet as candy, and she was licking her arms like a satiated kitten while he was stretched out on the floor next to her, she wondered if it was love or just stockholm syndrome, but she wanted this more and more. To her, it was hell and this was punishment, and she loved every bit of it.

"I know you can't answer me, but I wish you'd visit me more often Barney." she whispered to him

"I'm not Barney." he replied casually.

Shocked from the words that had just come out of the ogre's mouth, she scurried to the corner of the room, and asked, "Wh- who are you?"

The ogre slowly stood up and walked over to her. His body started shrinking and soon he had morphed into a human form with a snake around his neck. "My name's Ennio. And I killed your barney."

There was shocked look on her face, almost of a sad realization. She asked, still trembling, "Are... are you here to take me away from here?"

Ennio placed a hand on her thigh and slowly it up to her breasts and to her bruised neck, and gently held it. "Tell me honestly, do you want to be taken away from here?"

She dropped her face so her chin grazed against his hand, and she said coyly, "N-no. I want to be here. I had nothing back at home. Less than nothing."

He removed his hand, and sat down next to her, their naked shoulders touching. "So how did you get here? And how long has it been?" he asked.

"How anyone gets to hell, I died. Jumped off a cliff into the rocks and waves below. I had just turned sixteen. Since then, how long it's been, I haven't really kept track."

"Not long by the looks of it. And this isn't hell... er, what's your name?" he asked with a nervous laugh.

She looked at him with wide eyes, at that laugh which felt so out of place, so pathological and yet so innocent, after what he'd just done to her. It was a laugh so absurd it relieved a lot of her tension, and it made her smile too. "Emmanuelle." she said.

"This isn't hell, Emmanuelle. It's Hedonasia." he said, and told her all that he knew of the place.

"So, I'm your slave then? You can do with me as you wish. Like you just did."

"That's right. Do you think I'm a demon, Emmanuelle?" he asked her, back to being dead serious.

"I don't know what you're capable of... er...?"


"Ennio. Take Barney for example, he was cruel, brutal, a pure demon, and he was an ungrateful lover. He was the reason I thought I was in hell. I thought he was my punishment."

"So you're saying by keeping you here I'd be punishing you?"

"I didn't say that. The problem with what I thought was my punishment was, I started to enjoy it, in a despairing way. But it wasn't until tonight, until you came in and took me the way you did, it wasn't until then that I started to love it. Can you believe that? I loved being a helpless little slut at the mercy of her master. At your mercy, Ennio."

Ennio smiled again, “And here I thought I was gonna have to keep you here against your will."

Emmanuelle rested her chin on his shoulder and smiled back, a devious, seductive smile with big puppy dog eyes looking up at him. She whispered, "I can play that role if you want me to, master.”

He leaned in and kissed her, and she kissed him back with her arms around him. He picked her up, swept her off her feet. She asked, “Are we going somewhere master?”

“I'm moving you out of this dump and into my room. You're my slave but I'll make sure you live like a queen." he said, and she snuggled up to him.

As he walked out of the cell with her, Suzi joined them on their way to Ennio's room. “Hello kitten, my my you are a delicious piece of cake aren't you? No wonder my old brother couldn't have enough of you. And by the looks of it, my new brother is gonna have that same problem as well.” she then said to Ennio, “You have to let me borrow her sometime.”

Ennio laughed. “Of course, what's mine is yours new sister. Of course, we could always share.”

“If her petite little figure can handle it, sure.”

Just then, Mick intercepted them saying there was an urgent matter to discuss.

“So yeah, I see you guys are getting along quite well. I need a teensy weensy favour. I promise it's more fun than work.”

“Oh good grief, this again. What is it this time? Spill.” Suzi groaned.

“Its Earth actually. Early 20th century Munich.”

“Wait a minute...” Ennio mumbled.

“I need you to procure a sample... ”

“Oh wait a minute... ”

“Of Hitler's cum.”

“...why would you possibly need that?”

“That's classified. But can you do it?” Mick pleaded.

“Why can't you do it?” Ennio asked.

“Well, I'm busy. Plus I've already had sex with hitler many times. The novelty's gone.” he shrugged.

“For fuck's sake. Fine. But you owe us.” Suzi finally said. Then she looked at Ennio and Emmanuelle, “If you two are up for this, I already have a plan in mind.”

“But what happens if we change things in the past?” Ennio asked.

“I don't know, doesn't affect us. Do you give a shit what happens?” Mick shrugged again.

Ennio and Emmanuelle looked at each other. It didn't need to be asked, said or discussed. What they were about to do was devious, decadent, downright disgusting, and some might even call deeply offensive. But it would also be fun.

“So once we do your thing, we can then change whatever we want?”

“Sure. What did you have in mind?”

As if in telepathic unison, Ennio and Emmanuelle both said with a giddy smile, "Let's kill Hitler.“