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My teachers feet

2022-09-04 00:00:04

This experience took place while I was in tenth grade I was 16 at the time
and becoming more and more aware of all female feet around me. I found
myself constantly staring at many girls feet in my classes and also a few of
my teachers as well. One teacher particularly always had me staring, her
name was Mrs. Kate O'conner. I'm not sure if she was Irish or not I think
she was for she did have naturally red hair and had an Irish toned looking
skin, I think she was in her late thirties. Anyway Mrs. O'conner had me
looking at her feet constantly for she almost always was dangling them that
would drive any person with a foot fetish crazy. It was almost as though she
teased me for she would never actually take her foot out of her shoe fully
just leaving it dangle on her toes before she wiggled it back on to her
foot. I had never seen her barefoot for she almost had on nylons and on a
few occasions would wear sneakers with white socks on. But from what I had
seen of her feet they were about a size 7, with wrinkled soles, and almost
never painted toes. Now as I said I had a tendency to look at her feet all
class and therefore I wouldn't pay attention during her class at all and
started to do very poorly in her class. One day as class let out at the end
of the day we were all piling out the door when she grabbed my shoulder and
pulled me away. She sat me down at a she next to her desk and asked "hey
what is wrong? You're doing very bad in my class and I just can't figure out
why. You're a very bright student it just seems that you don't pay attention
and are always day dreaming." She said this to me as she showed me the
grades which I had recently received in that class all failing or close to
it."Well you see Mrs. O'conner I just always get distracted in class I can't
really help it" I answered to her. She replied "well is it one of the people
near you is it something in the class that I can move or put down?" I just
looked down and said "no ma 'am in all honesty it's you that's been
distracting me." She said looking rather puzzled "what is it about me that's
distracting you is it the color clothes I wear or the pins I wear or
something of that nature. Because I can wear different things if it's
interfering with your education." I answered "no it's nothing as simple as
that." She again looking very puzzled now and pushed on saying "well what is
it then because at the way you're going you'll fail and have to go to
summer school." I just looked away slight and said "well Mrs. O'conner it's
your feet that are distracting me... I can't help it they're very nice
looking and I just can't help but stare," " Oh" was the only response she
said. After a few minutes of silence she said "Well I think I can fix that,
you're dismissed I'll see you tomorrow." I left rather lost as to what
she was getting to, I went home that day and couldn't help but wonder what
she was talking about. I spent almost all of that night either dreaming
about her feet or thinking about what she could have meant. I finally
decided I would find out tomorrow and thought I had best get some sleep. I
certainly did find out, the next day when I walked into her class instead of
sneakers or pumps she was wearing knee high leather boots. All that class it
killed me because she never once even made an attempt to slip those boots
off. That day she looked a couple of times my way and smiled at me as she
saw that I kept on staring at her boots as though I was trying to burn a
hole through them. As the class went on my thoughts started drifting from
seeing her feet to smelling her feet, I figured that with being in those
boots her feet must be sweating up a storm. For the rest of the class I kept
on daydreaming of having my nose between those hot sweat soaked toes of
hers. From that day on though she started to wear those boots or another
pair of boots and every day I found myself daydreaming. Finally after two
weeks of this at the end of school again she pulled me over to the side as
the rest of the class walked out the door pushing and shoving trying to get
out as fast as they could. She sat me down next to her desk again and said
" I just don't know what to do with you! I started to wear these boots
because you said it was my feet that were distracting you and yet your
grades haven't improved since I started wearing them. If anything they've
only worsen, why is this?" I decided that I might as well answer her
truthfully since she already knew I liked her feet and said "Well Mrs.
O'conner it is true that you took my visuals away but my mind is a powerful
instrument. I found myself thinking instead of how your feet look like, how
much your feet must be sweating in those boots and how hot and smelly your
feet must get being in those boots all day. I found myself daydreaming about
smelling those feet for myself and feeling the hot moisture upon my face."
She shook her head saying under her breath "I can't believe this." She then
looked up at me and said "OK I have a deal for you. For every grade
that is 90 or above I'll let you smell my feet for five minutes. Each time
you get 90 or above you'll be able to smell my feet for five more minutes in
then the last time so the first time you can smell them for five minutes,
the second time ten minutes, the third time 15 minutes, and so on. Do we
have a deal?" I couldn't believe my hears had I just heard my teacher tell
me she'd let me smell her feet in exchange for me getting good grades? I
immediately answered "you got a deal Mrs. O'conner you better be ready
because I'm going to be getting 90 and above from now on. I was good to my
word because I started to really pay attention in class even though she did
continue to wear boots and my mind would start to drift I would quickly make
sure I brought myself back to reality. Within three days of making the deal
I got my first test paper back find that it was a 90 exactly. Right next to
the grade was written "see me at the end of the day for your reward" with a
winking smiley face next to it. I was so excited for that school day to end
even though I sadly had to go through a few more class periods. So I sat
there watching the clock for all my classes watching the time slowly tick
past. Finally at three o'clock the bell rung which meant freedom for the
rest of the kids but for me it meant having Mrs.O'conner's feet in my face!
I didn't even stop at my locker but instead I ran straight to Mrs. O'conners
room and got there just as the last kid from her previous class left. I
walked in and saw her sitting at her desk smiling at me as she saw me walk
through the door. She motioned for me to close the door quickly and put a
desk in front of the door which I did as fast as possible next she turned
her chair so that she was sitting in front of me. I knelt down and with
trembling hands grabbed the zipper on the boot of her left foot and slowly
started to unzip it. Once I pulled of her boot I was hit with an intense
foot smell something between rubber mixed with vinegar but not in a bad way
but an extremely satisfying way. She still had one nylons and I couldn't see
her foot still but it was the first time I had seen her toes completely and
found out that she had rather long skinny toes. As I knelt there before her
nyloned foot and lifted her foot from my hand and placed it smack onto my
face. Instantly I felt as though I had just jumped into a pool face first
with as wet as her foot was. I took in my first deep sniff of her feet and I
was blown away, the smell I got when I first pulled off her boots could
never have prepared me for the lustful smell of her foot fully blown. It
seemed as though I had only taken my first sniff when she pulled her foot
away from me and put it back in her boot and started to pack up her stuff to
leave. I looked and saw that five minutes had indeed pass but it was enough,
I stood up grabbed my bag and before I left I said "that wasn't nearly
enough time you can bet that I'll keep getting 90's and above." She just
smiled and replied "I'm looking forward to it. A week after that I got my
second test grade to see that it was actually a 95! Lucky for me that was
the day I had her last period so no waiting and within minutes of receiving
my grade I was on my knees in front of her feet again. This time she started
to take her boot off of her left foot and then took the boot of her right
foot and said "since you got above a 90 I decided that you could try
smelling both if you wanted to." I just sat there with a huge grin on my
face as she place both her sizzling hot feet upon my face. The smell was
even more intense with two feet, I sniffed her feet like mad trying to pull
in as much of their smell as possible. Within was seemed like a minute she
pulled her feet away from my face and put them back in her boots. She stood
up and said "Well I hope to have you for 15 minutes next week" and with that
she walked out of the room turning out the lights. Sure enough the next week
I got a 90 and the next week another 90 and for next three weeks after I got
90's until I was staying there smelling her feet for 35 minutes. But then
the week came in which I got a 100 which meant that today I'd be at her feet
for 40 minutes! But instead of the regular "see me at the end of the day for
your reward" written beside my grade it said "I'm so proud of you see me at
the end of the day for your reward and also a special prize!" Though what
irony was the fact that I had her first period that day so I sat for the
rest of the school day itching for it to end and find out what was this
special prize. 2:59:50, 2:59:55, and finally 3:00 came across the clock and
the second hand ticked onto that twelve I bolted out the door. I got to her
room so fast that I actually had to wait for almost all of her previous
class to get out. Finally they all left and I ran in closing the door behind
me and quickly placing my chair and there I was in a heartbeat down at her
booted feet. She giggled at my speediness of getting there but didn't keep
me in suspense as she took off her boots. She then place them on my face and
told me that I could start and that my special reward would come half way
through. Well, even though I really did want to smell her feet those twenty
minutes seemed to go by so slowly. I tried to savor the smell but found it
hard to enjoy it when my mind was going a thousand miles an hour trying to
figure out what the special reward was. After those seemingly forever twenty
minutes went by see took her feet off my face which allowed me to see I
looked up and saw her hands move up under and skirt and start to pull at
something. As I watched, my mouth almost fell open when I realized she was
taking of her nylons and that I'd FINALLY get to see her barefoot. No sooner
had I thought it did it happen and I finally saw her drool worthy feet,
drool worthy if not much more besides that as well! There were her perfectly
white feet, nonpainted toes, slightly pink soles and with her right foot
have a freckle right in the middle of it. I knelt there in awe as those feet
came and land upon my face I sat there for a minute not knowing how to
react, I then heard her say "you can start smelling them now if you want."
She didn't have to tell me twice I buried my noes into those feet and
started smelling like I was desperate for air. Sadly the last twenty minutes
went by a little too fast for my liking and I felt her feet being lifted off
my face. I then saw her stick her barefoot back into those prisons called
boots, "seeing them bare was just the first part of the special reward here
is the second part" she said as she handed me her nylons. She then leaned
down and whispered in hushed tone "I haven't washed those in about two weeks
so they should be good." With that she gave me a wink and walked out the
door. Again leaving me in awe as I held those precious nylons in my hands
and close to my breast. That was the last time I ever got to smell her
actual feet because the next day she got into and accident that made her
have to take the rest of the school year off. She came back the next year
but I didn't get her those anytime I had her for a study hall teacher she
would always slip her shoes and give me a little smile. Mrs.O'conner was the
best teacher I could have ever asked for!