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new dom/ parking lot sex

2022-02-25 02:00:03

The idea of a 2nd Dom has been on my mind lately. Maybe I could run into someone a little more Domly than mine. Maybe someone deeper into it, more experienced with ropes, more controlling, or even just different. I am known for eating ice cream for breakfast and no one tells me no. Someone should definitely tell me no. Probably, Maybe, maybe not. Never mind. I’ve heard rumors of things I’ve never experienced. Some slaves sleep in cages. Some slaves eat bread and water for training. Some have to submit outfits for approval. Some get ordered for at restaurants. Every dynamic is different.

Has it really been 8 years since I’ve kneeled in service? When was my last roping? You get busy and fall out of practice. You didn’t start as a bdsm couple but ended up in it. I think it just comes more naturally to others than it would M. I can’t say anything bad about him. We have had 14 great years so this isn’t that. I just wonder what other experiences I could have.

I have had 2 other Doms in the past. One was 55, looked 45. Had a real way about him. A storage shed full of every device imaginable. Was going great. We had done a couple of dinners and overnights. M really liked this one for me. We had negotiated CNC and he was even asking about taking the two of us with him on a weekend trip. The one that got away. Just as we started talking contracts and getting serious and then his job moved him. The 2nd one was out of state, didn’t match my effort, and didn’t like the idea of our move to Florida. He collected more people than he had time for so I had to leave. I ended up taking a 6-year break to work on me. Can’t pour from an empty cup.

Bedtime hobby, reading whisper story lists to M at bedtime and each giving commentary. Well if we find the list articles fun maybe ill get a whisper and find more. Whisper is a mecca for only fans, hookups, and drug deals. It is anonymous and I quickly learned that it is definitely a gateway for cheaters to find side pieces. I asked if there were rules for it and M didn’t have any beyond normal internet safety and no in real life stuff if he hasn’t chatted the person first. I also noticed a lot of people posting their bdsm test results in the bdsm group. I did just that and suddenly had over 100 messages in my inbox and a joint messaging account for those wanting to leave the app.

Too close, too boring with the opening line and too far away all got the boot. Suddenly I had several to chat with. Enter New Guy. He said poetic things about my eyes. He asked for a pic of me kneeling. So, I had M take one. Me, on my bed, in my favorite t-shirt. I wasn’t making eye contact and it through him off. Is that something your master has trained in you? no, I just have a thing about eyes. So here’s the eye poetry.

“I believe that eyes are windows to the soul. Mines broken (child hood traumas I’m finally starting to work through) so my soul is shattered into millions of pieces. Like shards of a smashed window on an icy night. Some blood stained. I don’t like showing it off. I don’t like being that naked, vulnerable, and open. So, l hide the Windows so no one can look in.” I said.

“That's the thing sweetie, and I'm sure M agrees, the fractured splinters or glass, when forged back together will make you shine like never before. Only by someone looking in your soul’s window can one see the beautiful scintillating array of swirling colors that only you can produce. Maybe one day I'll be able to gaze upon those shards of light myself” he said.

“Maybe” I replied.

“We are all products of past, and it sounds like yours has a few more turns on the road map of scars than most. But you sound like an amazing person to me thus far.” He continued.

You had me at eye poetry. I’m a little bit of a romantic. Fast forward and we had 1 meet up and a 2nd meetup planned. It was going so hot and cold. Maybe I'm just terrible at reading people. Were just taking it slow and Seeing where things go for now.

Down the road, I’m curious, how will this one train me? What toys will this one use? Is a 2nd collar in the cards if down the road he really likes me or where its going? Time will tell.

My alarm went off at exactly 4:50 in the morning. My favorite pup groaned under a mountain of blankets. I quickly fired off a good morning text. I stayed in bed until his GPS said he was 15 minutes away. Then I panicked when I couldn’t find my new deodorant before just using M’s red sky old spice. I through my hair into a quick ponytail and dialed M as I locked the front door.

I made my way through the trees and passed the retention pond. No duck family at this hour. The only light was the dim light of the crescent moon. Morning traffic was just starting to get going on the busy road nearby. I was watching a truck in the parking lot nearby my bench seat. I couldn’t decide if someone was inside or not. Headlights broke my stare and I saw his blue car pulling up.

He had the biggest smile on his face when he got out of the car. “I’ve missed you” he said as he wrapped me in the biggest bear hug, holding me there for a few minutes. He really is a good hugger. There was some light making out before he pulled my breasts out of the baby blue tank top holding them captive. He stopped to admire them briefly before walking me to the front of the car. He had me topless, facing the street. “look at all those cars that could possibly see you, naked, here in the dark parking lot. Every car passing could be getting a look.” He said quietly into my right ear. As he bit my neck hard, I had two thoughts. “This is a little hard for me. Hey why don’t you bite harder and see how much force it takes to break the skin.” I was getting wet so I started rubbing his package that was already hard and throbbing trapped in his shorts.

He led me back to the front of the car. More biting. “ouch but ok, harder ok, break the skin maybe? Do it! Ok but this does kind of hurt.” I thought quietly.

“on your knees!” He said sternly.

“what?” I asked. I was suddenly jolted from my thoughts.

“on your knees!” He said sternly. So, I went on my knees. He took a moment to walk around me and inspect his property. (when I am with him, I am his property to use as he sees fit) I passed inspection.

He undid his belt and unzipped his zipper for what seemed like an eternity. Suddenly before me was a beautiful cock id waited too long to get my mouth on. I started in the way I usually do M. He quickly moved my hands off. I started focusing on taking it in my mouth, going in deeper and using my tongue more while occasionally going for the deep throat. I could tell he was enjoying it because he was moaning for me.

When he decided he was ready to switch gears he stood me up. He turned me around, placed my hands on his trunk, and arched my back how he wanted it. “are you ready to feel me inside of you?” He asked.

“yes sir.” I eagerly replied.

Sir is a trigger word for him. Really drives the fun home. Before long he was sliding in and grabbing neck hard. It was exhilarating. “Would we be seen? Would a cop roll up? Was there someone in the truck? M doesn’t choke me like this. New experiences.” A million thoughts raced through my head. Neck grabbing and biting continued. Yes, harder please sir. There is nothing sexier than when a Dom drives in deep and his balls swing forward and slap into my clit. “Keep going, please don’t stop.” I thought.

But then he did. Stopped cold turkey. My pussy was aching and dripping at this point. Disappointment washed over me as my need for more grew.

“Back on your knees” He ordered. Down I went. “are you ready to taste me?” he asked.

“Yes sir” I responded.

This time he had his balls out and he didn’t stop me from getting handsy with both his balls and his shaft. He took a couple of pictures for himself and M to enjoy. He reprimanded me about needing to make eye contact at least with the camera so I did. The flash was blinding. I was really working my tongue and hands. I could tell it wouldn’t be much longer. I was massaging his balls good as if to milk all the cum out of them. I started driving for deeper mouth thrusts. He started cussing and moaning at the same time. I could feel him loosing control. Soon enough he was exploding and pulsating in the back of my throat.

He let out a loud “oh my god.” As he released into me. I was still massaging his balls. I wanted to drain them dry. I reached the point where I started to gag. Not wanting to do the usual pull out I thought, fuck it, how bad can it be, and let him rest on my tongue. I have never been big on having cum in my mouth. Only recently started swallowing. Usually I just go till the gagging starts and pull off. Its usually right about the time M is done. So I figured how much more can this guy have?

A lot more apparently. “oh fuck. Oh god. I can’t stop coming. Oh my god baby girl.” He said as he continued moaning and pulsating warm cum all over my tongue. Finally I had drained him. I swallowed a mouthful of the best cum I had ever tasted. I guess not living off fast food fries, ice cream, and pizza has its benefits. The best smile graced his handsome face and he uttered those 2 magical words “good girl”.

He pulled me up into a hug as early morning light began illuminating the field. Can we just freeze here for a while? Sadly, we had to part. I had a shift to make. He mentioned that maybe next time we could do a movie. He said he hated that our meetings have been short and rushed. He offered to drive me home. M said not to give out my address so I declined. I was not even a 5 minute walk from my front door anyways. He hugged me again and then bid me adue. I know he watched me disappear into the trees. It was still someone dark out. His last request was for me to text him when I got home. I did this by sending my favorite pup. This pleased him.

M got so excited about the pictures he spent the whole day penning novels of dirty ideas to me on messenger. We got him really excited. So many dirty texts. I knew I would get an orgasm when I made it home.

Fast forward and its later in the evening. Were alone, dogs kicked out, door locked, and lights down. I had been sucking him for 5 minutes already when he handed me my bullet vibrator and said to hop on top. He kept gushing about what a good girl I was for taking the whole load this morning. He got all the juicy details out of me on my walk to work earlier.

Cowgirl for the win. I found a really good rhythm. I’ve never heard M get this excited in bed. He was being a lot more vocal than usual. By now we were both starting to get load. We were going at it so well the bed had socially distanced 3 feet from the wall. A couple pillows had been swallowed up into the Grand Canyon of space I had created. He was getting so loud and so vocal. This is a side of him I don’t always see. I can feel the end coming for us both. I was half convinced we would meet at the point of mutual gratification because we were so in sync. I kept trying to take him harder and deeper until….

BAM! “hey its your good friend Charlie horse. I came to crash the party.” Once I started to wince and panic the mood was over for him. I rolled over and we both tried rubbing the horse out of my calf. We both went to bed with a serious case of blue balls. It ended up being the first Charlie horse of 5 that I would go on to get. I woke with a bit of a limp today. So I am on day 2 of aching need. Maybe tomorrow he says, when I recover. I have permission to use my toy but I don’t want to. I want one of these 2 fine men to use me and grant me an O. one of them will soon enough.

M also notes that our parking lot romp was very risky. Even if we ignore the neighborhood and high probability of foot traffic or police, the cameras that watch the park and parking lot cannot be escaped. It was so hot; I really don’t care. I’d do it again for sure.

Now I am sitting here hoping the new guy thinks things are going well. Will he want to see me again? What will the next time be like? Will he trian me something or give me any tasks? Were seeing where this goes so ill have to wait and see, in eager anticipation of course.