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To Do or Not To Do

2021-11-19 02:00:03

Most of this I do not believe. I see nothing wrong with a Sister and Brother having Sex with each other, living as husband and wife and having kids.

In fiction I like the Sister to be a little older or twins, and for the female to be more or less in charge.

When you grow up togeather you see each others bodys unless you live in a very strict house. There are times when you become Teens that you are left alone for periods of time, the oldest watching the youngest.

As hormones kick in Attraction can be natural and there is somthing called natural progression. 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base Home. With Incest its often stright to home.

Of course this is better when it is close aged, 1 to 3 years. Mostly with Siblings you will find Greater tenderness and love. Mostly because they care about each other.

Like any relationship it sometimes wears its self out. Some people fall in deep love and live as Husband and Wife, and have family and grow old and happy togeather.

Our Society says that Incest is wrong, that the Females are always the victims. Unless its a 300 pound mother sitting on her son.

That it always has violence and substance abuse.

In reality Not So Much, but those people keep quiet about it and do not admit or talk about it. So any survey is skewed.

The natural break time seems to be going away to college or into the service.

Of course being found out or PG or Religlious Confession of some kind is the greatest fear.

Isolation and Incest, is what starts Tribes, Races and Nations, so its been going on a long long time.

The anti-sex values of Religions have claimed it as a Taboo and Secular Law backs that up.

I do not evan consider Sex between Cousins, Halfs, Steps, and Adopts as Incest.

Remember Incest can also be Hetro or Homo, or Mahu, Transgender, or Hermie. Handicapped, Pretty, Pretty Ugly, or what ever.

Birth defects are to be watched out for but Retardation is No more rare then in the general population. Domonate Genes tend to pass on and Resessive Genes do not. However ugly head rearing is possible, however that is in every mating.

Mental Health Questions perhaps, and of course a chance of a failed relationship later on, are possible.

You have to do what your heart and body tell you to do, it is no better or worse life. Remember Blue Lagoon was in part about this subject.

In most fiction everyone is perfact in real life just average like the greater part of the population.

Video Games and the Net take some of the stigma (hate that word) away, and create a new box so to speak. If you have a good relationship with your sibling why waste good Net and Game time finding another one. When you have one at home.

Lust or Bordom is a 1 or 2 time thing, True love can of course lead to regular sex and that can happen hundrads or thousands of times.

In fiction and in part because of the Net. Kids start off Multi Positional and both expect an O or repeated O's in the case of females.

Sucking has always been in and now that shaving gets you past the smell there is more Oral Sex on the female.

It is No Longer Urban myth, that Girls cum often and hard.

In 1968 my first wife asked me several days into the marriage if she was allowed to move her hips. I told her to move anything she wanted and things got better quickly. Gosh she had a nice pair of C cups and a Virgin Pussy tight as you can get. I could spend hours inside her. She also had good abs and you could feel them when she came. That was 40 years plus ago. I have been sexually happy most of the time but I sure wish that had worked out. She got PG while I was in Nam and although we tried it just did not work.

If you want to have Incest and you are both on board then do it, life is to short, to woulda, coulda, shoulda. Just turn out the lights and screw. I am going to post this as an Essay on my favorite Sex Stories Web Site. Good luck to all anf God Bless. Yes there is one and he did invent sex for all creatures great and small. God told Man and put it in every other creture to Replenish The Earth. Which means screw your brains out.

Now I am still a little short so I am just going to more or less B.S. and take up some time.

My life has been not so great lately. My wife has been off with a work injury and I cannot write when she is home not the fear of getting cought but the distraction. When ever I am doing somthing elso she wants attention, or she wants to go some place and it is far cheaper to go with her. I love her to death but I need the room and the space sometimes.

Instead of following DR. Ordeers she got my Son to help her remodel my Daughters Room so my area the Basement is full of stuff from Daughters Room and Daughter does not do shit she does not have to do, but in such a nice way. My Son is not going to College Right Now and my Daughter only works 10 hrs a week and sometimes part of that is at home by Computer. However that is about to change. The Pizza Company opened a Call Center not far from Us and they are having problems finding people that can speak clear English, take Pizza orders and run a computer at the same time. Both my kids can do that.

Normal would be good right now and I would not ask for anything better.