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Trixie's Big Case Chapter 4: White Boy Problems

2022-07-30 00:00:04


Chapter 4

White Boy Problems

Agent Trixie Daniel’s was in hell. The beautiful blonde found herself between the fat hairy legs of a filthy white pig looking up at his tiny, hairy, pink white boy peepee.

Keep it together girl, the tight blonde agent thought to herself, You’re so close to finding Alice just pump this fat white fuck for info then call for backup, she thought.

The agent had been on the trail of 19 yr old Alice, a beautiful blonde co-ed who ran off to a white boy college breaking her poor black cock loving mother’s heart. Swallowing her nerves (and gagging a little) the brave agent knew she had to touch this little white boy to save Alice and her sister Sara. The blonde girl gritted her teeth and reached up to stroke the fat white boy's pathetic 2 inch penis.

“Ahhhhh yeah you slut you want that big dick huh”?, the white sissy said oblivious to how revolted Trixie was just having to touch his miniscule crank. A drop of the obese whitey’s disgusting semen brushed Trixie’s hand. The agent held in a scream I just touched this pigboy's white cum! The agent thought to herself fighting back her tears.The blonde girl composed herself and played her role, she had to get the whereabouts of Alice. The girl’s pretty white pussy was in grave danger!

“Yeah...uh….d-daddy I do wanna suck your um….big dick”, Trixie struggled to keep a straight face. 5 days ago she had Captain Timbs 15 inch hog in her mouth now she was humoring the pathetic white boy’s ego. 5 days...Trixie thought. It had been five days since she last touched a real dick. A black dick.

The fat white pig moved his greasy hand down to his hairy disappointing nether region. “Put your mouth on Trevor’s hog hoe”, the chubby sissy demanded. Trixie almost punched his tiny peanut size white balls at his disrespect.

“I do….want to suck on your uh - hog,” the diminutive wite girl said rolling her eyes at the word “hog”. This fat fuck of a filthy dicked white boy is about 10 inches away from a “hog”, she thought.

Against all her white slut instincts the agent looked up and saw the grotesque sight of Trevore’s meaty hand waving his tiny 2 inch pecker up and down. She audibly gagged but coughed to hide it.

“You okay”?, the white boy asked starting to feel insecure with his little dick remaining untouched by this sexy blonde that seemed so into him just a few minutes before. His little dick couldnt help it though he was hard as a rock. Trixie was the hottest girl he had ever gotten this far with.

“Yeah I---I just need that information about Alice Omalley before….”, the agent stalled, hoping that she wouldnt have to jut her pretty pink lips on the little white dingding in front of her face. “I need to know where Alice Omalley is before I can suck your big dick Trevor….her sister and mother are worried”

Trevor laughed, his tiny white dickie bobbed like a cork as his fat rolls almost completely concealed his tiny white prick. “Shit that was just another bitch on my cock”, the fat piggie belched, “why you wanna waste time on that bitch? Suck my fucking cock you whore”, Trevor had gotten quite a bit more demanding. Trixie was over it, she knew she was going to have to do something drastic.

Slowly and deliberately Trixie stuck her little wet tongue out as far she could pointing it at the tiny pink balls in front of her. A few licks should make this piggie oink the trained agent thought as she stretched her tongue hoping her beautiful mouth wouldnt have to touch the filthy white scrotum in front of her. Trixie’s blue eyes welled with tears from the musty smell of this chubby caucasian’s inferior undercarriage.

“AHHHH AHHH!!”, the fat white boy yelped as the agent’s soft tongue gently brushed his tiny white balls. Tears ran down Trixie’s pretty white face as she thought about the depravity of licking a white man’s nutsack. For a second the blonde contemplated quitting her job but no, she had to save women from fates like the one she is currently suffering through.

Quick as a flash Trixie pulled away, removing a few stringy pubic hairs from her pretty tongue and mouth. The agent smacked her lips trying to get Trevors foul white boy taste out of her pretty white mouth.

“It that it bitch”?, Trevor asked, looking down at the small white slut.

“Tell me where Alice Omalley is and I will suck on your big dick daddy”, Trxie said as she leaned back on the foot of the bed and pulled up her tiny pink skirt showing the useless white boy her perfect tight pink pussy. She could barely say the word “daddy” with a straight face thinking about this fat white boys childlike 2 inch penis.

Trevor leaned back and lit a joint, his tiny white dick had a steady stream of greasy watery whiteboy jizz dribbling from the pathetic pink head. Trixie took of her tight t-shirt and pink skirt when she saw that disgusting liquid. No need to risk ruining my clothes with white cummies she thought. Standard procedure for any clothing damaged by white sperm is to burn it and this was one of Trixie’s favorite outfits.

“OK slut,” the white boy said, “Alice Omalley went to a commune near Sacramento...something about the Clan of the White Bull or something”, he laughed as he finished his joint. Trixie didnt laugh….her mind was racing.

Clan of the White Bull the agent thought quizzically. There’s no such thing as a “white bull”...what kinda of situation have you stumbled on girl

Trevor sat up in the bed and demanded angrily, “YOU GONNA SUCK MY DICK OR WHAT BITCH?!?”, his abrupt outburst made Trixie jump. Trevor was a wimpy white boy but he weighed close to 300 pounds. Trixie was sure she could hold her own with this clueless white bitch boy but why risk it.

“OK guys I got what I need time to take out this trash”, Trixie said out loud as she moved of the bed and ran to the motel table.

“Where you goin baby,”?, the confused white dork asked as he noticed Trixie’s tone change.

The blonde agent frantically searched through her purse for mouth wash, Where is my backup?!, thought the blonde whore searching for something, anything to get the fowl taste of white boy out of her mouth.

“Hey babe i was just---”, the white boy desperately tried to coax the blonde back into his hotel bed but the agent cut him off.

“Shut the fuck up white boy”, the agent snapped, tired of placating this pathetic pale piggies fragile white ego. “Look here loser”, the petite blonde said as she pulled her blonde pubic hair to the sides with her tiny hands and showed him her Spade BNWO PD badge tattoo.

Trevor sank down on the bed his little white dick still hard and his little white brain so confused. The fat white boy started crying, “I didnt----I ---- you you cant”, the fat pig blubbered, realizing his fate.

Trixie lit a menthol cigarette and pulled her radio out of her purse, “It already done you fat fuck”, the blonde jeered, “go ahead and start pumping that widdle peepee right now fat boy. Play nice and I will let you come one time before---”, Trixie stopped talking and pulled her little hand up near her face then made a scissor motion with her two tiny white fingers.

Trevor was openly bawling now but despite his emotional state he slowly began rub move his fat fist up and down on his almost invisible pink penis. Sniffling and crying the fat pig just kept moaning “Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry”

Agent Daniels looked at this fat white piggie with complete disgust, “Yeah well you should have thought about that before you tried to breed a dirty white baby”, she laughed as she smoke her cigarette.

“BUT I DIDN’T----”, the fat boy’s pleas were interrupted by the hotel door being kicked in by Trixie’s backup, 2 large black officers of the BNWO PD. Trixie and her tight white pussy had never been so happy to see these strong black studs.

“About time boys”, the petite blonde said as she sucked on her cigarette, “yall have any bactine mouth wash? This honkey got his disgusting taste on my tongue”, the blonde girl wretched.

The largest of the black men stepped forward, standing 6’8” the black officer offered a small bottle to the tiny blonde agent. The white whore looked at the her black king with her piercing blue eyes and simply opened her pink mouth.

The ebony cop’s big black cock began to swell in his pants as he dumped the contents of the small bottle into the slutty white girls waiting mouth. Trixie took every drop of the anti-bacterial liquid, gargled then spit the stuff on the floor, happy to be rid of the foul taste of white boy in her tiny mouth.In a good mood for the first time since she had Captain Timb’s massive balls in her mouth the athletic young agent jumped off her chair and into the arms of the gigantic black man, wrapping her skinny pale legs around his thick torso kissing his dark face thanking him for saving her from more wretched white boy dick.

“My you’re mighty thankful arent you girl,” the massive black man smiled between the blonde woman's wet sloppy kisses. Trixie hadnt been fucked by a black cock in a week and her tiny white pussy ached for it...she was so horny for these black studs she could feel her cunt juice dripping out of her tight blonde pussy.

Trixie didnt even reply she just opened her small white mouth and placed her pink on the Officer’s thick black lips. Her tight white naked body pressed up against the large black man’s muscled frame holding onto her midnight stallion as she sucked his lips and tongue, enjoying the taste of a real man’s saliva her pussy leaking her slutty white girl juice onto the officer flak vest as she ground her bare clit against the strong black man’s body.

“Gooooodammit Joe you already got this white girl goin crazy the fuck did you do.?” laughed the second BNWO officer on the scene. The officer was shorter maybe 5’8” or so and had to weigh close to 250 pounds. Trixie kept her moist lips locked on Joe’s thick dark lips but couldnt help but sneak a peak at the fatter officer's crotch which promised at least 8 inches of black meat for the cock starved blonde whore.

“Didnt do a damn thing man!,” Joe explained, pulling the frantic white slut off of him and placing her on the bed, “I just walked up in here and this naked white whore started mouthing me down. What’s the situation Jerome?”

Jerome, the fatter officer looked down at the 98 pound white ex-cheerleader on the bed. Trixie was covered in sweat and glistening in the hotel rooms’s light. Her pale athletic frame was slightly muscled but not overly toned, still giving her a sexy womanly shape...her stomach was flat with traces of visible abdominal muscles which contracted as the petite blonde girl hungrily pawed at her soaked vagina.

A bulge started to grow in Jerome’s slacks as he watched the tiny blonde whore insert two of her small skinny pale fingers into her tight pussy. Slowly Trixie fingered her little white girl box while looking up at Officer Jerome with her big blue eyes. The agent was in a daze, her BCV completely taking over her body as she moved her wet fingers from her pussy, to her small A cup tit, to her beautiful pink mouth.

Joe and Jerome looked at each other knowing what had to be done...the only way to break a slutty, spaded white whore out of a BCV trance was to get some BBC into her. Jerome looked worried.

“Look man shes an agent on a mission we cant fuck her we could lose our jobs,” the fatter man

said, putting his hefty black hand on his half erect black cock, “much as I want to the Chief will have our ass if we have hers”.

Upon hearing the word “ass” Trixie jumped up on her knees and did her best to stick her little butt in the air, waving her tight bum in front of the two bulls hoping the scent of her young pink pussy would sway their actions. I wish I had a bigger butt...black guys love big asses she thought, the first coherent thought she had since the black studs entered the room and that thought was about their needs...as it should be.

“Wha----what are you guys gonna do to her?”, squeaked the pathetic cracker slob in the corner. The officers had completely forgotten about the wimp once the blonde girl started dancing and gyrating for them.

Trevor was a mess. His fat hairy body was covered in sweat, spit and his own precum. Despite his exquisite humiliation his little pin dick was straining and stretching...his turgid two incher ready to explode watching this beautiful pixie blonde cavorting with these big black alphas.

“Come on man we gotta take care of this white bitch anyway,” Jerome said as he did his best not to look at the naked white tramp that was writhing on the bed rubbing her little blonde clitoris oblivious to the world.

Joe tried to break the slut out of it shaking her but to no avail. The harder the strong black officer shook the tiny white girl all he could hear was her low begging moans to be fucked by the ebony duo.

“....please...please...fuck me daddy...be my big black daddy…,” the spasming blonde girl begged as she rubbed her hot clitoris. Trixie finally came to for a split second looked Officer Joe directly in hey dark brown eyes and said very calmly and succinctly, “Joe I want you to fuck me with your big black cock." The tiny blonde then kissed the older black stud hard with her young pink mouth.

Old Joe knew a good thing when he saw one and the 45 yr old black cop started tearing off his clothing, his 11 inch black dong was already leaking strips of thick gooey precum into his pants.

“Agent Daniels I---”, the chubby officer began to protest but stopped when Trixie put her tiny finger, which was covered in her sweet sticky white girl cum, up to his big thick purple lips.

“Shhhhhh….”, the Agent said, as Jerome opened his big lips to inhale her delicious pussy juices. Jerome’s plump black cock immediately hardened. The black stud could feel warm droplets of precum forming around his girthy uncircumcised coal colored shaft

“Are you gonna fuck these nig---”, the little dicked white boy in the corner had stood up and immediately got punched in his fat bearded mouth for almost utterly a hateful racial slur. The naked white pig fell back with a yelp, landing in a heap at the foot of his filthy chair.

“Thats another charge boy”, Joe said as he shook his big right hand after he broke the white bitches’ nose, “you stay in that fucking chair till we figure out what to do with you”, the Officer ordered as he stripped down to his socks and boxers.

The fat white boy caught a glimpse of the first 4 inches of Joe’s 45 yr old black snake and gasped, “She cant...you cant” he blubbered as he pulled on his tiny white dicklet. Trevor began crying again. Looking down he could see spit and cum matted in his bear now mixed with blood from his broken nose all capped off with his tiny pink two inch dingding. Still, his honkey instincts took over and he continued to furiously jack his little thing off.

“Can and will wimp” the old bull snorted as he layed down between Trixie’s legs staring up and her dripping young white pussy. The agent was still in a BCV trance shaking her little butt for her black kings. Joe reached his big strong hands up to her firm white hips and pulled her down onto his thick ebony lips. Trixie squealed like the white slut she was, it was rare to be eaten by a black king, the whore was in heaven as she reached back to find Joe’s big black dick which was standing tall pointing through his boxers.

“I got it!”, Jerome exclaimed, “we can call a rainbow unit.”

Joe took his fat lips off of Trixies hard pink clit just long enough to say “That might work patna”

“I’ll call em now”, said the fat officer as he finished getting undressed revealing his odd shaped black cock. Jerome was fat and his cock was the same.

Trixie turned around to admire the fat mans black body as she continued to receive an expert tongue fucking from Joe. Her blonde pussy was on fire as Joe worked his magical tongue against her clit then alternately fucked her pussy.

“Your tongue is longer than that loser white boys entire cock”, Trixie giggled adding to Trevor’s complete defeat. The white boy just sat in his dirty chair pumping his 2 inch dick with his fat hand. “Fucking white boy thought I was gonna fuck his widdle white dinding”, Trixie jeered as all three laughed.

Jerome put his fat hand below his balls and began walking toward the bed and Trixie rode Joe’s face. His cock was about 8 inches, the minimum to be on the force but it was the thickest the blonde girl had ever seen. Even thicker than Captain Timbs!

Upon looking closer Trixies mouth started watering when she realized the big football shaped black rod was uncircumcised with a thick foreskin almost hiding Jerome's big purple headed cock. Trixie stared, entranced by this ugly but beautiful black organ and shivered as she saw the thick white pool of precum that was building up around the uncut head Trixie slid her body pussy first down Joes thickly muscled black body leaving a trail of sweet white girl pussy juice down his onyx abdominals. Without a word the skinny blonde slut plopped her dripping white pussy onto Joe’s 11 inch black rod.

“AHHHH damn girl”, Joe admonished adjusting to how tight the white girl’s pussy was. Trixie had only had her own fingers the last couple of days to facilitate her mission...the fact that she could take Old Joe’s 11 inch black tool in one try was a testament to just how wet her little blonde pussy was for these black kings.

The white slut waved Jerome over, her mind too blank to even use words. The fat black stud waddled over to the blonde slut and held his big odd black manhood for her. Trixie’s slender hot pink tongue darted out of her tiny mouth and began frantically licking and lapping at the thick globs of precum caught in the black man’s foreskin. Her little tongue flicked back and forth as she tried to collect all the black man’s tasty nectar, pulling back the black foreskin to reveal the biggest purple cockhead Trixie had ever seen!

Immediately the blonde slut put her little mouth on Jerome’s big piss slit licking and sucking every drop of the fat black man’s precum she could.

“It wont fit in my mouth”, the little white girl pouted to Jerome.

“I know baby, takes a big bitch...but we can try until the Rainbow unit gets here”, the fat black officer consoled his white lover.

“OK black daddy”, the lithe agent said as she focused all her efforts on stretching her little mouth around Jerome’s thick purple cockhead while Joe continued to pound her wet white pussy with his amazing 11 inches of black pipe.

Taking her pretty white face away from Jerome’s fat eggplant shaped black marvel Trixie called her fat white boy over. Trevor was confused but he knew he was in trouble so he complied, walking slowly towards Trixie his deformed white organ almost eye level with the thin agent.

The blonde girl wretched when the smell of his disgusting white boy cum reached her nostrils but she had a cure for that “BLEEEEGCHCGC” the blonde girl spit her mouthful of Jerome’s precum all over Trevor’s tiny rock hard piggie dick.

“Now go sit down and dont you dare cum till the Rainbow squad arrives”, the blonde demanded thick strands of black man’s precum still dripping off her wet mouth.

Trevor waddled back to his wet chair. The hotel would have to burn it for sure. The fat white boy’s big beard was spattered with blood cum and tears as he rubbed the black officers thick white juice all over his turgid pink dingus and his pathetic white nuts. He rubbed some of it into his little piss slit, hoping to feel what it would be like to shoot real man’s come not his little white boy slop.

Jerome laughed but Trixie couldnt enjoy the moment as Joe began taking control of her little white body. The older black stud lifted the whore up and sat her down doggy style on the bed bringing the tiny blonde face to face with the pathetic fat white boy the brave black officers rescued her from.

“GIMME BIG BLACK COCK,”! The thin blonde girl screamed out, her A cups shaking as violently as the little things could as Jerome reached his fat black hand down to play with her big pink nipples. Realizing her proximity to Jeromes dripping black tool Trixie sucked out another helping of the black man’s thick precum with a “SSSSSSSCCCCCKCKKKKKKKKUHHH”. Concentrating as Joe fucked her tiny white pussy the white girl spit Jerome’s precum all over Trevor’s fat white face.

Trevor continued sobbing as there was a knock on the door. Jerome looked up at Trevor with a grin.

“Who’s that”?, the fat white piggie asked, as he rubbed a black mans precum all over his tiny white nuts.

“Thats your date white boy”, said Jerome as he opened the hotel room door.

In the doorway stood a tall fit black woman in a blue dress. She was striking at over 6’ and firm shapely breasts fat ass and pretty face. Trevor couldnt help thinking she was a big woman though.

“Thank God you’re here maam, we got this problem over here,” said the fat officer pointing to the cowering little white sissy in the corner while Trixie continued to lick and suck on his swollen uncut cockhead.

The tall black woman walked in slowly. She stopped and admired Joe’s power fucking of Trixie taking place on the bed. The black woman bent down and kissed the blonde whore as she screamed about black cocks and tiny white boys. Trixie was oblivious to the woman’s kiss as she was 5 orgasms into her BCV episode.

The ebony queen ran her fingernails down the tightly toned back of the well fucked blonde girl until she came to the chair where Trevor sat, mouth agape, disheveled and filthy, frantically playing with his pale two inch pecker using a black man’s precum as lube.

Trevor looked up and saw the black woman leering down at him and noticed two things, the “Rainbow Squad” badge on her dress and a large bulge growing in her skirt. "You must be Trevor”, the black woman said with a smile pulling up her dress to reveal a large semi hard black penis, “I think you and me are gonna be good friends” the ebony transgirl joked as she waved her cock at the terrified white piglet his bright pink two inch dickie shivered as the black transgirl moved closer.